I'm starting a new series of work for a show this summer and I need your help! Dedicated to the greater story at play in each of our lives, I'll be working with several women to make a story map of their lives - which will then be turned into woven forms that can be carried on the physical body. This project has been developing in my heart for months and months and is something I am so proud to begin working on with those who would like to engage in their stories through the practice of story mapping, material exploration and woven construction.
Seems like a tall order? Let me explain:
I tested my theory with my own story while in residence at Textílsetur in Iceland and found the experience to be so eye-opening and healing and practical.
I believe that we can choose to find purpose in the highlights and heartaches that we experience over the course of our lives. If we engage in our story in a safe space and look for purpose, we can find it. And we can make something beautiful with it and carry it with a sense of empowerment that leads to a deeper, richer, more fulfilling life.
Who am I looking to work with? Any woman whose heart calls out from the deep, who is aware of the joys and pains of life, and who is open to finding space with me to make something beautiful out of her story*. The completed woven object will be part of a public gallery show and will be gifted to the woman upon completion of the show.
There is something about the art form of weaving that translates so purely to the human experience, and I would love to share the practice and process with you. If you are interested, or know someone who might be, I would love to talk with you. Please send an email to hello@katewilt.com by May 1, 2017.
*Personal details are NOT required to be shared with me during the process.